Become a Member

Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started

Who can join?

The Hastings Valley Archery Club (HVAC) welcomes new members to our club - there are no restrictions on who can join, if you can pull a bow we invite you to join us!

With that said, the club DOES NOT offer tuition to new archers on regular club shoot days.  If you've never shot a bow before, please come along to one of our "Come and Try Archery" open days first (where tuition is offered on club bows) and join from there.  Trust us, it's a whole lot of fun

What are the membership fees?

The club offers 3 types of memberships - Adult (over 18), Junior (under 18) and Family (family members within the same household).

Membership durations now span one year from the date you sign up. For example, if you join on the 20th of November, your membership will be valid until the 20th of November the following year.

Are there any other costs?

Yes.  There is a Club Shoot fee of $15 per person per shoot for 3D shooters or $10 per person per shoot if you're opting for the Practice Range.  This fee helps cover the wear and tear on our club targets.  Shoot fees are due on the morning of the shoot and are payable either in cash or by Direct Deposit on the day (see the club member who is processing sign-ins to pay).  Please note cash is only accepted for shoot fees - you cannot pay your membership using cash.

How do I join?  Can I join online?  

The club's membership system is now online.  Join online by clicking the link on the bottom of this page (keep reading though!)  Fill in your personal details, agree to the club's terms and conditions, select your chosen payment method (Credit Card or Bank Deposit) and you're done!  Cash is no longer accepted for membership payments.

We'd like to join as a family, how do we go about that?

Archery is a sport that everyone in the family can enjoy together - though membership and shoot fees for a family can get expensive.  We allow a family, residing at the same residence, to join for a set fee.  We're flexible in the make-up of your family - a single parent with two kids or mum and dad plus 3 kids is all covered under the one family membership.

Within our membership system, the family member who'll be paying should join first (by selecting the membership type 'First Family Member').

Upon completion of the First Family Member's registration, additional family members should join by selecting 'Additional Family Member - $0.00'.  Complete the process multiple times if necessary to add in each additional family member.

The club's membership officer will link your family together in our membership system, allowing the primary member to see and administer the details of their family soon after you've joined.  

How can I pay my membership fees?

Credit Card (Preferred) - New and renewing members are asked to pay electronically where possible - we accept instant payment via credit card online (click 'Register' or 'Renew' at the bottom of this page). 

Bank Deposit - You are also welcome to perform a direct debit into the club's bank account, but note payment processing delays may prevent you from shooting (due to insurance requirements) should your funds not be cleared by the next shoot.  Please remember to include your reference number when completing the direct deposit.

I've joined, now what?

Welcome aboard!  The club's membership officer will approve your application and you're right to come along to our next Club Shoot day. 

It's wise to let us know when you're coming as we'll need to take you through our induction and safety processes (which you'll have done if you've attended an Open Day).  If possible message the club through our Facebook page (which you should like when you're there - it's a great way to keep up with club happenings!) and we'll ensure a senior club member is available and expecting you on the day.

I don't yet have any archery equipment!  What should I buy?

Equipment costs with Archery can be large or small, but it's important that you purchase quality gear that fits you.  We recommend you speak to club members and pick your archery discipline before making any purchases - there's a wealth of knowledge with our members and a bad purchase decision can be costly.

New members are welcome to borrow club bows for a reasonable amount of time before investing in their own equipment.  Arrows are consumable with our sport (and you will be losing them)!  The club can sell you some arrows of your own to use with club bows.  Currently, pricing is $40 per half-dozen arrows (prices subject to change).  Take advantage of this time with club equipment to learn the ropes and plan your gear purchases wisely before diving into your own setup.

Can I have a Range Key or Hunting Licence?

Not right away.

The club offers range keys to longer term members following participation in multiple club events and assistance at working bees.  Members with keys can shoot at the range whenever they like, though there are procedures to follow to ensure solitary or group safety on the various ranges.

The club can issue Hunting Licences to members who meet certain criteria.  Alongside standard licensing procedures, members must demonstrate a high level of shooting proficiency and uphold good character over time before being granted a licence.  This helps ensure safety and responsibility within our community.

Okay, let's join!

Click the one of the buttons below ('Returning Member' or 'New Member') to start the membership process.